Every 23rd of the month ...

Mary Ward's birthday is the 23rd January 1585. This is why on every 23rd of each month we are praying especially to her and for her guidance in our lives.


Mary Ward Day Celebrated Across the Globe 2018

 Thank you for sharing the  lovely pictures!

An extraordinary day was celebrated in India, where CJ and IBVM representatives joined forces for this happy event - and the second picture is a Friends of Mary Ward meeting at Mayur Vihar Delhi - thank you to Manjusha CJ for these:

Even more pictures of communities, friends and schools in Germany and well beyond can be found here: www.congregatiojesu.de/mary-ward-woche-2018-ein-selfie-mit-mary-ward

This is the PRAYER for MARY WARD'S BEATIFICATION that is said regularly in many English speaking countries, also in India - thank you to Linda for sending this in.
God, Creator of all that is good,
we thank you for giving Mary Ward
to the Church and to the world.
Impelled by the fire of your love
she did not shrink from risks,
labours or sufferings.
She lived and worked for your greater glory,
for the good of the Church,
for the nurture of faith,
and for the dignity of women.
She was a pilgrim,
who spread the joy of the Gospel,
a woman for our times.
Grant that through the solemn
testimony of the Church the example
of her life may be a light
for all who seek God's will.

A beautiful coloured print-out of this prayer and further information can be found here: http://loreto.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Prayer-for-the-Beatification-of-Mary-Ward.pdf TEST